The Lucky birder!
The many that got away. The tragedy of the birder who looked at the wrong place at the wrong time .
[story of birder who missed the flock of  'Glossy Ibis' ]

See you soon!
Cheers to the wonderful memories and to the adventurous days ahead.
Landscape from Kudremukha peak trail showcasing Indigo bush frog and the Black Eagle.

Paradise - 'The Landscape of Kuduremukha'  
Story of a confused birder, nature and wildlife enthusiast who'd love to tell Kudremukh any day.
This is a glimpse of Black Eagle sighting while walking the trek.


The Elusive One!!!  
Oriental dwarf kingfisher is rightly named the jewel bird. Everyone desires to see this beautiful little bird, at least once in a life time. Here’s a story of friend and his failed adventures in the quest of seeing this jewel bird.

Home!!!  Where our story begins!!
Home is not just a place to live. It's a Dreamland filled with people you love. Where little things mean a great deal. Home is an emotion.

Home! Is a little kingdom with love and happiness!!

Its a bliss when the bird you desire comes seeking you!!!   
Life doesn't always give you lemons. It sometimes gives beautiful sightings like Rufous Bellied Eagle when you're least expecting it.

A monastery to forever hold sacred....

Story of inspirational Birder and trekker.

Birder and the beast!
Not all who wander are lost. But being lost is not so bad either. This birder lost his way while on a birding trail and found himself looking into a leopard's eyes. The beast is always a delight to watch.

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She is an inspiration to a lot of birders..!
A story about a inspiring lady and her search for Barn owl. She was on a mission to find the elusive owl in her neighborhood but accidentally found yet another skulker, Indian Pitta.

Owls, birds that fascinate everyone. With their silent flight, beautiful camouflage, and of course with their cute big eyes, makes anyone jump with happiness. And what they'll definitely have is this young girl's heart.

In search of feathered friend....

The mysterious neighbor!!!
Birding wakes up the child in you. This is a story of a couple who's favorite pastime was to look for this bird which was playing around with them. Listening to the calls every night and looking for the bird, to this moment when they finally got the sighting. They enjoyed every bit of it.

A friendly neighborhood is an essential thing in a person's life. Here's an example how a little bird and a lady became the best neighbors overtime. The bird chirped and she smiles back. A beautiful conversation and a day made.
[The place where she started bird watching]

Towering snow clad peaks, gushing Mountain Rivers, remote villages, Stark landscapes of Spiti Valley. Wandering souls find happiness in getting lost in the right places. The happy places...

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 The happy moment!!!
[ Stretched canvas board size 10"x12"]

 One more light!!
The moment when we see someone we love go away and what left behind is beautiful memory and a smile on your face.
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It is a word hard to describe. An emotion which has no boundaries. Walking towards the horizon, not knowing where they're headed, all they knew is that they had each other. Every step they took together made their friendship stronger.
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Longings and belongings!
In this fast world filled with chaos, they decide to slow down and embrace the nature.
And nature in return gave them peace and calm. The best trade they could ask for. 
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Those were the days!!
Once a birder, always a birder.
Who doesn't like birds? Watching them fly lifts all the burden off your shoulders. This is one such moment of realization which turned him into a birder, and he never turned back since.
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A trek to remember...
Every terrain is beautiful in it's an own way. But it's even more beautiful when you have the right people by your side.
A trail covered with snow, surrounded by colorful rhododendron plants, birds chirping all around and a mesmerizing view of the Himalayas in front, all the way to the top; and all that made it special was each other's company. (Size 10"x08")

Too good to be True.!
That feeling when your wish comes true right away... A moment from our good old birding days when the Black Baza that we were dreaming to see, perched in front of us.
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Live another day to tell the tales.
Story of an unforgettable trip to a waterfall in the ghats. When two friends looked death in the eye, courtesy of the flash floods. It was a close call. Nature has mysterious ways to remind us of the uncertainties.
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Together forever
The tallest flying bird, the Sarus Crane. This bird is the symbol of love, devotion and good fortune.
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One can never forget her roots. Where you came from always stays a part of who you are!
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